Books by the Author
New! Fear and Promise

Fear and Promise follows the events of 2020 as they unfold against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic, the death of George Floyd, subsequent demonstrations of Black Lives Matter, natural disasters, as well as election campaign and the election.
This book is a chronicle of our time in verse for a vicarious experience.
This book will be released in late March or early April 202.
Fear and Promise can be ordered HERE, on the Kirk House Publisher’s website.

Seasons of Desire
This book celebrates stages and seasons of life in poetry and prose, illustrated with the author’s own drawings. The book can be found in the Minnesota Historical Society’s permanent library collection.
“This unique compilation of poetry, prose, and artwork is the result of the author’s pursuit of both the outer and inner meanings of life.”
– Tricia Ells, President, Minnesota Jung Association
Once upon a Neighborhood
Evelyn Klein’s poetry and prose, combine observation and memoir in the portrayal of human nature in the changing quest for establishing neighborhood in the Twin Cities. This book found its place at the Minnesota Historical Society’s permanent library collection.
“An exquisite chronicle of life.”
– Kimberly Nightingale, Publisher/Editor, Saint Paul Almanac
From Here Across the Bridge
These poems, set against a backdrop of Wisconsin and Minnesota, offer a look at the process of reflection illuminating the subtle interplay of professional, spiritual, and personal life, fearlessly exploring its dark corners, while also celebrating moments of discovery and communion. Illustrated with woodcuts by Wolfgang Klein, the author’s father, the book won a cover award with the Midwest Independent Publishers Association.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed every poem in Evelyn Klein’s From Here Across the Bridge”
– Maxine A. Larson, Regent Midwest Chaparral Poets,